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All Posts in Category: Dental Tips

How is rheumatoid arthritis related to your mouth?

This blog post is part of a series of Total Health Dental Care articles to inform our readers about the connection between your oral health and your overall health.


It’s called the “Mouth-Body Connection,” and it means that poor dental health can severely deteriorate your body, especially your lungs and heart, and it can also lead to a host to other conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and even some Cancers.


Rheumatoid Arthritis & Gum Disease StatisticsThe-link-between-your-gums-and-systemic-conditions


  1. People with RA are 8 times more likely to develop gum disease than people without RA.
  2. Studies have shown that when people with a severe form on RA, cleared up their gum disease, their pain and other arthritic symptoms got better.
  3. People with RA sometimes have a hard time maintaining good oral hygiene because the disease can affect the joints in the hands, making brushing and flossing difficult. Electric toothbrushes and the AirFlosser by Sonicare can make dental care easier.
  4. Common Arthritis medications target the immune system, which can weaken the immune system’s ability to fight infections, including gum disease.


So, how is rheumatoid arthritis related to your mouth?  Loveable SmilesDr. Larry Korenman


The number one cause of death is inflammation.


The number one cause of inflammation is gum disease.


Inflammation is a protective immune system response to substances like viruses and bacteria.  In autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis the immune system mistakenly triggers inflammation, although there are no bacteria or viruses to fight off. The inflammation causes joints to become swollen, painful and stiff.


Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gum Disease both have inflammation in common, which may explain the connection.


Controlling the inflammation with proactive dental care could play a role in reducing the incidence and severity of RA.


Medications and Dry Mouth

Pain relievers used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis have a very common side effect: Dry Mouth.

Dry mouth is a growing problem in dentistry.  On a daily basis, Dr. Korenman and his staff see patients who suffer from dry mouth and the issues associated with dry mouth including tooth decay, gum disease and mouth sores.

Shocking Truth About Gum Diseasearthritus and dental health 2

80% of people have Gum Disease and DO NOT KNOW IT! There is usually no pain involved for people until extremely late in the degeneration. Many gum problems will go unnoticed until they are diagnosed by a dentist.


The good news is that Dr. Korenman and his team are dedicated to educating the public about the dangers of gum disease and they check all their patients for it.

If you are diagnosed with gum disease, Dr. Korenman can design a treatment plan to help you keep it under control.  He even carries a line of natural oral care products called Effervess, specifically designed to help patients who suffer from dry mouth.

Additionally, if you suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, sometimes shorter appointments scheduled later in the day when joints are less stiff can make you more comfortable. We can also provide a neck or leg pillow for better support in the dental chair.

We urge you to call Loveable Smiles for your Total Health Dental Care appointment at 972-231-0585.

This is just one of many examples of how we treat people, not just teeth.




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Top 10 Benefits of Dental Implants

Having a healthy mouth can add 10 years to your life as Dr. Mayo of the Mayo Clinic has explained.

The advancements in dental implants over the years are life changing. Simply stated, dental implants reconnect people with what they’ve lost. Youth. Self-esteem. Confidence. Function. Happiness. The joy of kissing!Dental implant

Here are the Top 10 Benefits for Choosing Dental Implants

  1. An ideal option for people who have lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, an injury, or some other reason.
  2. Dental implants improve your appearance.
  3. They are permanently fixed in the mouth; so you may brush your teeth once again without having to deal with the embarrassment of removing your teeth.
  4. Allows you to return to the comfort and function associated with natural teeth.
  5. Eating is no longer restricted to softer food items; you can chew freely.
  6. Eating harder foods like apples poses no problem at all. Increased chewing ability means you can enjoy more fibrous and nutritious foods, contributing to your overall health and well-being.
  7. Dental implants can be brushed and flossed just like regular teeth.
  8. They help you speak without difficulty.
  9. You no longer need to think twice before smiling.
  10. With proper care, they can last a lifetime.

Dr. Korenman has invested in NewTom VG3 Dental CAT-scan which allows him to view an anatomically accurate 3D image of your mouth. It provides the most comprehensive and accurate information required to determine your bone quantity and quality for possible dental implants. If teeth have been missing for some time he can see how much bone loss has occurred and determine what type of bone grafting may be needed.

With Dental CT scanning, implant procedures can be planned in detail before any surgery takes place. This means virtually no surprises when Dr. Korenman performs surgery.

For more information, please call Loveable Smiles in Richardson at (972) 231-0585 and schedule a complimentary consultation.


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How is heart disease related to your mouth?

This blog post is part of a series of Total Health Dental Care articles to inform our readers about the connection between your oral health and your overall health.


It’s called the “Mouth-Body Connection,” and it means that poor dental health can severely deteriorate your body, especially your lungs and heart, and it can also lead to a host of other conditions including Alzheimer’s disease and even some Cancers.


Gum Disease – The Silent EpidemicThe-link-between-your-gums-and-systemic-conditions


The number one cause of death is inflammation.


The number one cause of inflammation is gum disease.


The startling news is that 80% of people have Gum Disease and DO NOT KNOW IT! There is usually no pain involved for people until extremely late in the degeneration. Many gum problems will go unnoticed until they are diagnosed by a dentist.


So, how is heart disease related to your mouth?

heart-gum-diseases image

Several studies exist to explain the link between gum disease and heart disease.


  1. Oral bacteria can affect the heart via the blood stream and then attaching to fatty plaques in the coronary arteries (heart blood vessels) and contributing to clot formation.
  2. As the body fights the inflammation caused by periodontal (gum) disease, swelling of the arteries can occur which contributes to their deterioration.


Researchers have found that people with periodontal disease are almost twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease.


Medications for Heart Disease and Dry Mouthdry mouth photo

If you take any medication for dry mouth including blood pressure medications and diuretics, you have probably experienced a common side effect of these popular medications: Dry Mouth.

The combination of two or more of these medications dramatically increase dry-mouth effects.

Dry mouth is a growing problem in dentistry.  On a daily basis, Dr. Korenman and his staff see patients who suffer from dry mouth and the issues associated with dry mouth including tooth decay, gum disease and mouth sores.

The Good News for Heart Patients

The good news is that Dr. Korenman and his team are dedicated to educating the public about the dangers of gum disease and they check all their patients for it.

If you are diagnosed with gum disease, Dr. Korenman can design a treatment plan to help you overcome it and then to keep it under control.

Additionally, if you suffer from Dry Mouth, Dr. Korenman provides the following tips for treating this dangerous condition:

  • He highly recommends Effervess Oral Care products, which can help relieve the symptoms of dry mouth caused by medications. (Available at Loveable Smiles and Amazon.) The line includes toothpaste and a whitening gel.Effervess-all natural aloe vera Toothpaste
  • Swish with water in addition to drinking it.
  • Chew sugarless gum.
  • Patients with dry mouth should have regular dental checkups with Dr. Korenman and his staff for evaluation and treatment. Please bring up-to-date medication list with you to your appointment at Loveable Smiles.

We urge you to call Loveable Smiles for your Total Health Dental Care appointment at 972-231-0585.

This is just one of many examples of how we treat people, not just teeth.

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What To Do In A Dental Emergency in Dallas, TX

Dr. Korenman of Loveable Smiles in Richardson share the following tips if you experience at dental emergency.

If you have an accident and your tooth is still in your mouth:Dental Emergency photo

  • Straighten it and quickly apply ice.
  • Call your dentist right away. Loveable Smiles can be reached at 972-231-0585 and we answer our phone 24/7.

If your tooth is knocked out during an accident:

  • Find the tooth and clean it off.
  • Place the tooth in a small container of milk. The calcium in the milk helps keep your tooth moisturized.
  • See your dental professional as soon as possible, preferably within 30 minutes.
  • Don’t forget to take the tooth with you.

With prompt attention, a permanent tooth may be re-implanted into the tooth socket and saved. The dentist will then monitor it and determine what other treatment may be necessary depending on how it reattaches.

If you can’t get a hold of your dentist, you should go to an emergency room.

At Loveable Smiles in Richardson, TX, Dr. Korenman provides his cell phone number on his business card.

Additionally, we have someone answering our business line 24/7. That number is 972-231-0585

We pride ourselves on being a pain-free dental office.

We will do everything possible to help you stay out of pain.

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The Dangers Of Dry Mouth

Dr. Korenman of Loveable Smiles Explains Dry Mouth: Causes, Associated Problems, and Treatmentdry mouth 2
Dry mouth is a growing problem in dentistry. On a daily basis, Dr. Korenman and his staff see patients who suffer from dry mouth and the issues associated with dry mouth including tooth decay, gum disease and mouth sores.
Dry mouth—also called xerostomia—results from an inadequate flow of saliva.
It is not a disease, but a symptom of a medical disorder and/or most commonly, a side effect of popular medications including:
• Blood pressure medications
• Anti-depression/Anti-Anxiety
• Diuretics
• Pain killers
• Antihistamines
• Decongestants
• Even neurological medications for treatment of anti-anxiety and ADHD.

The combination of two or more of these medications dramatically increase dry-mouth effects.medications

With regular saliva production, your teeth are constantly bathed in a mineral-rich solution that helps keep your teeth strong and resistant to decay.
Dry mouth can lead to extensive tooth decay, gum disease and mouth sores.

Signs You May Have Dry Mouth
• Extreme thirst.
• Waking up in the night needing water.
• Teeth feel rough like sand.
• Cheeks stick to your teeth.
• Lips feel dry.

Other Issues Associated with Dry Mouth
Other health issues can also arise if dry mouth is left untreated.

Common problems linked to dry mouth include:
• Difficulty speaking
• Difficulty chewing
• Fungal infections in mouth
• Hoarseness
• Sore gums/throat
• Problems with swallowing food
• Burning sensation in mouth
• Dry nasal passages
• Difficulty wearing dentures
• Overly dry lips

Treating Dry MouthEffervess-all natural aloe vera Toothpaste
While there isn’t any cure for dry mouth, the sooner it gets diagnosed the less damage it does to your teeth. Here are some tips for treating your dry mouth.
• Dr. Korenman highly recommends Effervess Oral Care products, which can help relieve the symptoms of dry mouth caused by medications. (Available at Loveable Smiles and Amazon.) The line includes toothpaste and a whitening gel.
• Swish with water in addition to drinking it.
• Chew sugarless gum.
• Patients with dry mouth should have regular dental checkups with Dr. Korenman and his staff for evaluation and treatment. Please bring up-to-date medication list with you to your appointment at Loveable Smiles.

If you are experiencing a dry mouth as a side effect of your medication, please call Loveable Smiles at 972-231-0585

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New Year’s Resolution: Feel Better About Myself

“Smile and the world smiles with you.” The best thing you can wear is a smile. Have you wondered why there are so many quotes about smiles? It’s because few things impact youconfident-womanr appearance, self-confidence, and how others perceive you, as much as your smile.
You are happy person. You have many blessings in your life. However, you may feel self conscious about smiling for any number of reasons: stained, cracked, broken, decayed, worn or missing teeth.
A smile is worth a thousand words… but when your teeth are not healthy, it can really affect your self-image.improve the world with a smile
Start the New Year with a Gorgeous, Age-Defying Smile from Loveable Smiles.

happy new year 2012 2
The power of a great-looking smile is immense. Patients tell us all the time that they came to us for a new smile, but what they got was a new life.
We share moments of joy and even shed a few tears with patients who have improved their self-esteem, their career, and personal relationships after a smile makeover.
Defy your age, look 10 years younger and live another 10 years with a SmileLift.
Here at Loveable Smiles, we enjoy practicing all three kinds of dentistry in one place, Cosmetic, General, and Family Dentistry and with the added benefit of a healthy mouth which enhances your overall health.
Truly exquisite dentistry blends artistry and science. Utilizing the latest technology, Loveable Smiles proudly offers a variety of services to assist you in designing the smile of your dreams.
Together we can make 2016 your best year ever!
Loveable Smiles in Richardson. 972-231-0585

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Your Easiest New Year’s Resolution

Here is the easiest habit to compliment your goals for a healthy life for 2016: happy new year 2016
Make A Dental Appointment at Loveable Smiles! (972-231-0585)
If you want a healthy body, you need a healthy mouth, because you can’t have one without the other.
Dr. Korenman of Loveable Smiles in Richardson practices Total Health Dentistry which is a new era of dentistry connecting the health of your mouth to the health of your other major body systems.
It’s called the “Mouth-Body Connection,” and it means that poor dental health can severely deteriorate your body, especially your lungs and heart, and it can also lead to a host to other conditions including Alzheimer’s disease and even some Cancers.
So, how is your oral health related to your overall health?oral health = overall health photo

The number one cause of death is inflammation.
The number one cause of inflammation is gum disease.
Gum disease not only leads to severe oral health disorders, but can exacerbate overall health conditions, such as diabetes or respiratory disorders.
Unfortunately, 80% of people have Gum Disease and DO NOT KNOW IT! There is usually no pain involved for people until extremely late in the degeneration. Many gum problems will go unnoticed until they are diagnosed by a dentist.

Fortunately, Dr. Korenman and his team are dedicated to educating the public about the dangers of gum disease and they check all their patients for it.
If you are diagnosed with gum disease, Dr. Korenman can design a treatment plan to help you keep it under control.oral-health
Dr. Mayo of Mayo Clinic has explained that having a healthy mouth can add 10 years to your life!
Dr. Korenman and his staff are dedicated to improving your overall health through dentistry.
We urge you to call Loveable Smiles for your Total Health Dental Care appointment at 972-231-0585.

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How is obesity related to your mouth?

This blog post is the 9th in a series of articles to inform our readers about the connection between your oral health and your overall health.


It’s called the “Mouth-Body Connection,” and it means that poor dental health can severely deteriorate your body, especially your lungs and heart, and it can also lead to a host to other conditions including Alzheimer’s disease and even some Cancers.


What is obesity?

According to www.letsmove.gove, obesity is defined as excess body fat. It accumulates to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to increased health problems and reduced life expectancy.


Typically, Body Mass Index, or BMI, is used as a screening tool for overweight or obesity. BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. People with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 are considered overweight. People with a BMI of 30 or more are considered obese.


You can calculate your BMI by visiting this chart.


Here at Loveable Smiles in Richardson, we treat all our patients like family. This blog post is not meant to judge but it is simply meant to inform our readers about the facts between your oral health and your overall health. We believe YOU deserve a Loveable Smile and look forward to helping you achieve Optimal Dental Health.


Obesity Statistics

  • More than 1/3 of US adults are obese. (35.7%)
  • Obesity has become one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century.
  • Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases including heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, sleep apnea, certain types of cancer and osteoarthritis.
  • The most common type of obesity results from excessive sugar and carbohydrate intake.
  • Obesity is the leading preventable cause of death, world-wide.


How is obesity related to your dental health? oral-health

Various studies have shown that those with excess weight have more oral health problems, including higher tooth decay, more missing teeth, and fewer essential dental fillings than other individuals in general.


Those who carry excess weight and are between the ages of 18 and 34 were found to have a 76% higher rate of gum disease than individuals within a normal weight range.


Before we explore this topic any further, we want to reassure our readers that if it’s been a while since you’ve been to the dentist, here at Loveable Smiles, we will not judge you. We will be happy to see you. We are dedicated, to helping you achieve a health mouth, which will in turn help you with your overall health.


Tooth Decay

The connection between obesity and tooth decay relies largely on diet. The combination of bacteria and food causes tooth decay. Plaque, a clear, sticky substance that contains bacteria forms on teeth and gums and as the bacteria feeds on the sugars in the foods, they make acid. The acid attack the teeth for 20 minutes or more after eating. Over a period of time, these acids destroy teeth enamel, resulting in tooth decay.


Diabetes, Heart Disease, Sleep Apnea

As mentioned above, obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases including heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes and sleep apnea. We have covered these topics and how they relate to gum disease quite extensively on this blog. (See links here.)


The bottom line is that it’s a problematic “Catch 22.” Obesity can lead to tooth decay, which can lead to gum disease. And gum disease not only leads to severe oral health disorders, but can exacerbate these overall health conditions, such as diabetes or heart disorders.

Your gums are the “foundation of your house” and if the foundation crumbles, the house crumbles with it.The-link-between-your-gums-and-systemic-conditions

If you want to achieve your health goals, we encourage you to start with your dental health.

Dr. Korenman and his team are dedicated to educating the public about the dangers of gum disease and they check all their patients for it.

If you are diagnosed with gum disease, Dr. Korenman can design a treatment plan to help you keep it under control.

We urge you to call Loveable Smiles for your Total Health Dental Care appointment. 972-231-0585

This is just one of many examples of how we treat people, not just teeth.

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How is Diabetes related to your mouth?

This blog post is the second in a series of articles to inform our readers about the connection between your oral health and your overall health.


It’s called the “Mouth-Body Connection,” and it means that poor dental health can severely deteriorate your body, especially your lungs and heart, and it can also lead to a host to other conditions including Diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even some Cancers.


So, how is Diabetes related to your mouth? Diabetes-and-your-oral-health image 2


If you have gum disease and your gums bleed, you’re sending bacteria and inflammation by-products through your blood vessels, damaging the vessels and exacerbating your diabetes condition.


Additionally, this is how gum disease affects Diabetics:

  1. Uncontrolled Type II Diabetics are at a higher risk for gum disease.
  2. Severe gum disease can affect blood sugar.
  3. Diabetics have a decreased ability to fight bacteria that invade the gums.
  4. Medication can cause dry mouth which can cause soreness, ulcers, infections and cavities.


Your gums are the “foundation of your house” and if the foundation crumbles, the house crumbles with it.*


The good news is that Dr. Korenman and his team are dedicated to educating the public about the dangers of gum disease and they check all their patients for it.   He and his team are also dedicated to educating their patient family about the health of your mouth and the health of your body.

If you are diagnosed with gum disease, Dr. Korenman can design a treatment plan to help you keep it under control.

We urge you to call Loveable Smiles for your Total Health Dental Care appointment at 972-231-0585.

This is just one of many examples of dentistry saves lives.

*Dr. Elias J. Achey Jr., D.M.D. “A cup of coffee with 12 leading dentists in the United States.

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4 Forms of Dental Neglect

Neglect is the most expensive thing in dentistry.

Dr. Korenman of Loveable Smiles in Richardson shares 4 forms of neglect when it comes to your teeth.

  1. You haven’t been to the dentist in a while.
    If it’s been a while since you’ve visited the dentist, we want you to know that here at Loveable Smiles, we will not judge you, criticize you or scold you. We will be thrilled to see you.
  2. Your former dentist neglected to inform you of potential future problems.
    Larry Korenman provides all of his patients with a dental plan to help them achieve Optimal Dental Health. He doesn’t just practice “Tooth Dentistry” which only fixes one problem at a time. He can save you money and future issues by advising you of potential future problems.
  3. Your former dentist caused you pain and so  you haven’t been back.
    Here at Loveable Smiles, we will NEVER cause you pain. Dr. Korenman uses the latest in dental technology so that you can have a comfortable and pain-free dental experience.
  4. You were told of problems but never got the treatment.
    Once again, if it’s been a while since you’ve been to the dentist, we won’t scold you. We will be glad you are here, now. We have all kinds of creative financing plans to help our patients receive the dental care they need. Our patient ambassador, Kathy, works with insurance companies all the time to help the patient.

Please call our office for that much needed dental appointment. We’ll be glad to see you!


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