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All Posts in Category: Floss

How often should you see your hygienist for dental cleanings?

October is National Dental Hygiene Month.

How often should you see your hygienist for dental cleanings?  Some people may say that you should go every six months, some people may say every 3-4 months, and others may only visit the dental office when they are experiencing pain.

So, which one is right for you?

The answer is not as black and white as you may think…National Dental Hygiene Month image

Dental cleaning frequency is completely dependent upon the patient and their individual needs.

It is the same concept as when someone goes to physical therapy or rehab and the therapist creates a custom program for each individual in order to get them back to health (there is no blanket solution).

Patients who have seen the dentist regularly and practice good oral home care may only need to have a dental cleaning every six months because they have minimal build up and little to no bleeding in the gums.  On the other hand, some patients who have not seen the dentist regularly and/or do not practice good oral home care may need to have their teeth cleaned every 3 to 4 months because they have moderate to severe build up and bleeding in the gums or they have been previously diagnosed with periodontal disease (loss of bone around the teeth).

The goal is to get your teeth cleaned frequently enough to keep the bacterial plaque build up at a minimal level so that either healing can occur or so that the tissues can stay in an optimum state of health.

In order to see what frequency is right for you, you should see your hygienist and discuss what treatment cycle will give your teeth and gums the best outcome.

Call for your dental hygiene appointment! 972-231-0585

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Our Dental Hygienist Shares the Benefits of Waterpik Water Flosser

Do you like to floss your teeth?

If you’re like most Americans, you probably don’t…at least not daily. waterpik-cordless-plus-water-flosser-wp-450-white

According to a 2016 study, only 30% of the population flosses daily!

Why do you think that is?

Could it be that it takes too long (approx. 1 min.) or maybe you feel like you’re just not good at it?

“I hear both of these reasons from patients every day and the good news is that I know something that can help you without using floss!

I always recommend that my “non-flossing” patients use a Waterpik water flosser, specifically the cordless model with the pocket tip.”

With the cordless model you can charge the device and then just keep it in your shower (using it in the shower makes it less messy).

To properly use it all you need to do is fill it with water, turn it on, and then trace lightly around the gumline…that’s it!!! waterpik pocket tip

It is relatively easy to make the Waterpik part of your shower routine which will help you clean between your teeth on a more regular basis.

Doing this solves both of the problems patients mention to me daily.

It takes up very little time (just long enough for you to let your conditioner set in) and it’s super easy to use.

Most of my patients love their Waterpik!

If you or anyone you know has questions about where to find on or what attachments to get, please call Loveable Smiles at 972-231-0585.

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