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All Posts in Category: Dental Tips

Laser Away Bad Breath In The Battle of Bacteria In Dallas/Ft. Worth (Richardson)

Do you have bad breath, really bad breath? bad breath photo

It might not be the garlic or onions, coffee or alcohol.

While bad breath can be an indicator of gum disease, sometimes bad breath can be linked to the types of bacteria that dominate the back portion of your tongue.

People plagued by bad breath despite regular brushing, flossing and gargling with mouth wash could benefit from laser therapy.

At Loveable Smiles in Richardson we use our Waterlase i-Plus to painlessly and easily “treat” the surface of the tongue and eliminate your bad breath.

Bacteria & The Tongue

Some bacteria protect against halitosis, the formal name for really bad breath, while others cause the pungent odor.

One of the reasons people have found great difficulty fighting bad breath is because they don’t know how to reach the areas of the tongue where bacteria live, feed, and reproduce, undisturbed.

The back of the tongue is an ideal breeding ground for anaerobic (oxygen resistant) bacteria.

Dr. Korenman of Loveable Smiles uses a gentle water laser to target bacteria and to eliminate them from the tongue. chronic-bad-breath

After treatment, many people don’t even have morning breath.

Relief from persistent bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth can be can be found by making an appointment to see Dr. Korenman at Loveable Smiles in Richardson, TX at 972-231-0585.

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February is American Heart Month – What You Should Know About Heart Disease and Dry Mouth

If you take medication for heart disease you are probably experiencing a very dangerous side effect: Dry Mouth. heart month logo

Dry Mouth is a side effect of popular heart medications including:

  • Blood pressure medications
  • Anti-depression/Anti-Anxiety
  • Diuretics
  • Cholesterol medication

If you take any type of heart medication, it’s very important for you to take care of your dental health because Dry Mouth can lead to the following:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease, including bacterial infections.
  • Fungal infections
  • Mouth sores
  • Bad breath

If you are experiencing dry mouth as a side effect of your medication, please call Loveable Smiles at 972-231-0585

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Adult Braces Trend Going Strong at Loveable Smiles in Richardson, TX

Once seen as a treatment for teenagers, more and more adults are now opting to realign their teeth.

And it’s not just folks in their 20s and 30s. People over the age of 50, 60 and even 70 are opting for this service.home-invisalign-adults

Dr. Larry Korenman of Loveable Smiles is seeing this trend in his office in Richardson, TX.

Adults of all ages are electing to straighten their teeth later in life both to improve their looks and to fix long-standing dental issues.

Some patients may have either lost a tooth or had previous dental work that’s causing problems. Often, their teeth are simply showing the wear and tear of five or more decades of work. Frequently they are having muscle and joint pain or they have noticed their gums have receded.

Better Dental Care & Technology

Older adults are in a better position to get their teeth straightened.

Unlike in our grandparents’ generation where full sets of dentures were common, today, adult teeth are in better shape due to superior dental care and prevention measures such as fluoridated water.

Additionally, dental technology is extremely advanced allowing for improved dental imaging and updated appliances that help straighten teeth much faster.

There are plenty of alternatives available for adults who want braces but don’t want the look of metal in their mouth.   Dr. Korenman is an Invisalign provider.  This orthodontic method uses aligners that are smooth and clear.

These aligners get replaced every few weeks as your teeth are repositioned.

The average Invisalign case can be completed in about one year!

Warning Against DIY Teeth Straightening

Unfortunately, with this trend in adults opting to realign their teeth, there has also been an increase in patients trying to straighten their teeth themselves with such things small rubber bands, clay, hair ties or aligners sold on-line.

Trying to close a gap or straighten your teeth yourself can increase the risk of infection and serious damage to your teeth and gums, including tooth loss.

These self, oral care “hacks” often lead to people spending serious time and money with a dental professional — the very thing they were trying to avoid in the first place.

Dr. Korenman is a very well-trained dentist who is responsible for the proper placement of the teeth using Invisalign aligners.  He has the technology and knowledge to create and administer custom Invisalign treatments for patients. Learn more about Invisalign on our website here.

Beyond Cosmetics

The health benefits of having properly aligned teeth extend far beyond a beautiful invisalign

Straight teeth are also helpful with the following:

  • Reducing wear of teeth
  • Helping you to speak, chew and breathe properly
  • Straight teeth are much easier to clean.
  • Improved oral hygiene helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Developing adequate space for dental implants to replace missing teeth
  • Creating a more balanced bite which can alleviate pain and headaches as well as TMJ
  • Helping to alleviate sleep apnea by repositioning the jaw for better breathing

We encourage you to call our office for your Invisalign consultation. 972-231-0585

Be sure to us about our new Invisalign pricing!

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Does Your Mom Suffer From Dry Mouth? There Is Hope in Dallas Ft. Worth

Dr. Korenman is the first in the DFW to offer a life-changing procedure for Dry Mouth, which is a dangerous side effect from many common medications. dry mouth woman 2

Dry Mouth is not a disease, but a symptom of a medical disorder and/or most commonly, a side effect of popular medications including:
• Blood pressure medications
• Anti-depression/Anti-Anxiety
• Cholesterol Fighters
• Pain killers
• Antihistamines/Decongestants
• Even neurological medications for treatment of ADHD.

Dr. Korenman is the first in Dallas/Ft. Worth to offer this breakthrough laser treatment for Dry Mouth.

This is the first treatment that actually deals with the problem of Dry Mouth itself and not just the symptoms.

Using a painless laser procedure this treatment quickly and easily re-stimulates saliva glands.

The treatment is painless, simple and quick.

If you would like to find out more about this phenomenal treatment, please call us and schedule an appointment for you or a loved one. 972-231-0585

Learn about the dangers of Dry Mouth here.

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World Oral Health Day in Richardson, TX

In March, we celebrate Word Oral Health Day. World Oral Health Day 2020 logo

Dr. Larry Korenman is dedicated to improving your overall health through dentistry.

It’s called the “Mouth-Body Connection,” and it means that poor dental health can severely deteriorate your body, especially your lungs and heart, and it can also lead to a host to other conditions including migraines, Alzheimer’s disease and even some Cancers.

Poor dental health is often caused by gum disease.

80% of people have Gum Disease and DO NOT KNOW IT! There is usually no pain involved for people until extremely late in the degeneration. Many gum problems will go unnoticed until they are diagnosed by a dentist.

Dr. Korenman and his team are dedicated to educating the public about the dangers of gum disease and they check all their patients for it.

If you are diagnosed with gum disease, Dr. Korenman can design a treatment plan to help you keep it under control.

We urge you to call Loveable Smiles for your Total Health Dental Care appointment where we will check you for gum disease at 972-231-0585.

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How often should you see your hygienist for dental cleanings?

October is National Dental Hygiene Month.

How often should you see your hygienist for dental cleanings?  Some people may say that you should go every six months, some people may say every 3-4 months, and others may only visit the dental office when they are experiencing pain.

So, which one is right for you?

The answer is not as black and white as you may think…National Dental Hygiene Month image

Dental cleaning frequency is completely dependent upon the patient and their individual needs.

It is the same concept as when someone goes to physical therapy or rehab and the therapist creates a custom program for each individual in order to get them back to health (there is no blanket solution).

Patients who have seen the dentist regularly and practice good oral home care may only need to have a dental cleaning every six months because they have minimal build up and little to no bleeding in the gums.  On the other hand, some patients who have not seen the dentist regularly and/or do not practice good oral home care may need to have their teeth cleaned every 3 to 4 months because they have moderate to severe build up and bleeding in the gums or they have been previously diagnosed with periodontal disease (loss of bone around the teeth).

The goal is to get your teeth cleaned frequently enough to keep the bacterial plaque build up at a minimal level so that either healing can occur or so that the tissues can stay in an optimum state of health.

In order to see what frequency is right for you, you should see your hygienist and discuss what treatment cycle will give your teeth and gums the best outcome.

Call for your dental hygiene appointment! 972-231-0585

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Replace Your Silver Fillings at Loveable Smiles in Richardson, TX

Teeth and fillings expand and contract at different rates.  Over many years of ingesting hot and then cold food and drink, silver fillings experience expansion and contraction. The contraction creates openings between the tooth and the filling material. The expansion can contribute to the tooth cracking or worse, splitting.broken_filling_1

Dr. Korenman has even seen a large part of a tooth break off with the metal filling still completely intact.

Additionally, when you chew and your teeth come together there’s a lot of pressure and force at work, and the metal filling takes the brunt of that pressure…which can also lead to the tooth being fractured much like a log being split.

When the seal between the tooth and the filling breaks down, food particles and decay-causing bacteria work their way between the worn filling and the tooth. These bacteria cannot be removed with a toothbrush or by any other means, and decay may develop along the edge of the filling or underneath it.

The most frustrating part of all this is that it happens painlessly with very few signs of a problem.

Dr. Korenman of Loveable Smiles has invested in the latest dental technology that allows him and his team to see things that normally go undetected.

He and his team can safely and effectively remove your silver fillings and restore your teeth to their their natural strength, beauty, and function.

We urge you to call Loveable Smiles for your Total Health Dental Care appointment. 972-231-0585

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Our Dental Hygienist Shares the Benefits of Waterpik Water Flosser

Do you like to floss your teeth?

If you’re like most Americans, you probably don’t…at least not daily. waterpik-cordless-plus-water-flosser-wp-450-white

According to a 2016 study, only 30% of the population flosses daily!

Why do you think that is?

Could it be that it takes too long (approx. 1 min.) or maybe you feel like you’re just not good at it?

“I hear both of these reasons from patients every day and the good news is that I know something that can help you without using floss!

I always recommend that my “non-flossing” patients use a Waterpik water flosser, specifically the cordless model with the pocket tip.”

With the cordless model you can charge the device and then just keep it in your shower (using it in the shower makes it less messy).

To properly use it all you need to do is fill it with water, turn it on, and then trace lightly around the gumline…that’s it!!! waterpik pocket tip

It is relatively easy to make the Waterpik part of your shower routine which will help you clean between your teeth on a more regular basis.

Doing this solves both of the problems patients mention to me daily.

It takes up very little time (just long enough for you to let your conditioner set in) and it’s super easy to use.

Most of my patients love their Waterpik!

If you or anyone you know has questions about where to find on or what attachments to get, please call Loveable Smiles at 972-231-0585.

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The Biggest Expense In Dentistry is… Neglect!

We invite you to have an enjoyable and painless dental visit at Loveable Smiles in and the world smiles with you

Don’t put off your dental cleanings, because the biggest expense in dentistry is NEGLECT.

Let’s catch that cavity before it turns into a crown or worse, an implant.

Please call 972-231-0585.

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We Are Here to Serve With A Servant’s Heart

We are grateful that many of our patients have returned for their regular dental cleanings. We are here to serve

Here are the heath and safety measures we use in our dental office

We take temps

We wear masks

We never let any non-related patients near each other

We schedule one patient at a time

We wipe down counters door knobs and bathrooms 3-4 times a day.

 Keeping your mouth healthy effects your overall health.

So, we encourage you to call for your hygiene  appointment. 972-231-0585

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