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All Posts in Category: Missing teeth

Dental Truths and Myths: Dental X-rays Are Unnecessary

Quite often Dr. Korenman hears the following and very common dental myth:vg3-side

“Dental X-Rays are unnecessary and even dangerous.”

There have been more technological advances in the field of dentistry than in any other branch of medicine.

This technology in the dental world is making everything easier to diagnose and to explain that diagnosis to the patient.  Additionally, this technology provides patients with the greatest comfort as well as a pain free dental experience.

Today’s Dental CAT scans have the least amount of radiation of any Cone-Beam Computed Tomography.

The dose from a single-jaw dental CT scan is about the same as the dose a patient might receive walking to their car on a sunny Texas day.

Technology for those “unseen” spaces

Dental X-Rays are so important because when we look into our mouths, only a small portion of the surface area of our teeth and gums is visible.newtom32

The unseen surface area of our teeth and the inside of our gum pockets may actually be greater than the visible surfaces, depending on how bad the pockets are. These pockets, or spaces between the gum and teeth can range from 1/16’’ deep to over ½’’ deep, all the way around the tooth. If we added up the surface area of the unseen germ world, it would be about the size of the palm of our hand. Imagine having an infected area that big for a lifetime and not doing anything about it! Yet most people don’t even realize this hidden germ world exists.

Dr. Korenman of Loveable Smiles has invested in the latest dental technology that allows him and his team to see things that normally go undetected. Using the NewTom VG3 Dental CAT-scan Dr. Korenman is able to obtain limitless, 3D views including between the teeth, under the gums, in the bones and even nerve canals and sinuses can be seen. This allows Dr. K to completely diagnose and provide full treatment options.

Patients are able to clearly see for themselves, visible, existing physical conditions.

We invite you to call Loveable Smiles for your dental CAT scan and Total Health Dental appointment at 972-231-0585

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What To Do In A Dental Emergency in Dallas, TX

Dr. Korenman of Loveable Smiles in Richardson share the following tips if you experience at dental emergency.

If you have an accident and your tooth is still in your mouth:Dental Emergency photo

  • Straighten it and quickly apply ice.
  • Call your dentist right away. Loveable Smiles can be reached at 972-231-0585 and we answer our phone 24/7.

If your tooth is knocked out during an accident:

  • Find the tooth and clean it off.
  • Place the tooth in a small container of milk. The calcium in the milk helps keep your tooth moisturized.
  • See your dental professional as soon as possible, preferably within 30 minutes.
  • Don’t forget to take the tooth with you.

With prompt attention, a permanent tooth may be re-implanted into the tooth socket and saved. The dentist will then monitor it and determine what other treatment may be necessary depending on how it reattaches.

If you can’t get a hold of your dentist, you should go to an emergency room.

At Loveable Smiles in Richardson, TX, Dr. Korenman provides his cell phone number on his business card.

Additionally, we have someone answering our business line 24/7. That number is 972-231-0585

We pride ourselves on being a pain-free dental office.

We will do everything possible to help you stay out of pain.

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Dental Truths and Myths: A missing tooth doesn’t need to be replaced as it doesn’t show and I can still chew

Quite often Dr. Korenman hears the following and very common dental myth:

“I don’t need to replace my missing tooth. It doesn’t show and I can still chew.”man missing tooth

The reality is that a missing tooth has a dangerous domino effect in your mouth.

When natural teeth are lost the damage goes well below the surface of the gums.

  • The bone that once supported and surrounded those roots starts to deteriorate immediately and painlessly.
  • All the other teeth start to shift which causes the bite to become out of balance which leads to damage to the teeth, muscles and joints.
  • The opposing teeth begin to shift into the gap causing more bite pressure imbalance and damage .
  • The teeth on either side of a missing tooth will start to lean into that gap.
  • When teeth don’t line up correctly they don’t have the proper stress distributions, so they are getting overworked and over-stressed.

The bad news is that you don’t feel this domino effect.  Unfortunately, over time this misalignment can make it difficult to keep your teeth clean which can contribute to cavities and gum disease.

Imagine a brick archway. photo brick archway

If you take a brick out of an archway and come back in a year, you won’t be able to put that brick back in its place because everything has settled a bit.

Perhaps the archway hasn’t fallen down, but it’s certainly not going to last as long as the arch with all the bricks in place.

When you have multiple missing teeth, bone resorption (shrinkage) occurs which causes the face to collapse. These changes can become so severe that they make the person look many years older than they actually are.

An estimated 30 million American adults live with one or more missing teeth. (That’s one out of every 4 drivers on the road.)


Dr. Korenman of Loveable Smiles can help with dental implants and other methods of tooth replacement.


The advancements in dental implants over the years are life changing. Simply stated, dental implants reconnect people with what they’ve lost. Youth. Self-esteem. Confidence. Function. Happiness. The joy of kissing!


With the advances in implant dentistry now available from Loveable Smiles, you can soon be eating what you want, when you want, and where you want. Your facial muscle tone will be restored. You’ll put 20 years of life back in your smile. You’ll regain the self-confidence and quality of life you lost when you lost your teeth.

For more information, please call Loveable Smiles in Richardson at (972) 231-0585 and schedule a complimentary consultation.

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