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Our Hours : OPEN 7am to 7pm
Mon: 7am - 4pm Tue: 7am- 4pm
Wed: 11am-7pm Thu: 11am- 7pm

  Contact : 972 231-0585

Dental Implants: The Best Invention in Dentistry

Dental implants are the best thing that have ever happened to dentistry.implant model male

Hip replacements last about 15 years and teeth implants are for life.

Simply stated, dental implants reconnect people with what they’ve lost. Youth. Self-esteem. Confidence. Function. Happiness. The joy of kissing!

Replacing missing or damaged teeth can reconnect with you with the real you and can also greatly improve your general and oral health.

Please call Loveable Smiles in Richardson for your

Dental Implant Consultation. 972-231-0585